
The scientific name, description, medicinal action and uses of Garlic are as follows:

Garlic (Allium Sativum). Garlic is a species in the onion family Alliaceae. Garlic has been used throughout recorded history for both culinary and medicinal purposes. (Part used: Bulb)


  • Garlic helps to detoxify the body. It is said to stimulate the lymphatic system to throw off waste materials.
  • It works to cleanse the kidneys and increase urine flow. It also forces toxins to the surface of the skin.
  • It contains diallyl sulfide which was found to suppress tumorigenesis and carcinogenesis.
  • Prevents and treats chronic diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
  • It is considered to be an antioxidant that helps to promote healthy immune system function and inhibit destructive, free radical or oxidative damage to tissues or cells.
  • Enhances good digestion by increasing bile production and reducing stomach gases, and cures serious intestinal diseases.
  • Can slow and kill more than sixty types of fungi and twenty types of bacteria, including some of the most potent viruses.
  • Protects from the hardening of the artery and helps to strengthen blood vessels.
  • It is used for contagious diseases, coughs, cramps, heart problems, high blood pressure, indigestion, liver congestion, rheumatism, and ulcers.
  • It is used for all lung and respiratory ailments, tuberculosis, fevers, and blood diseases.
  • Aids in the treatment of arthritis, asthma, cold and flu, insomnia, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis.
  • Helps stabilize blood sugar levels, and reduces cholesterol.
  • Gives vigor and resistance, and prolongs life.
  • Contains abundant of Vitamin C, Sulfur, Phosphorous, Silicon and Iodine.